Jason Goldsmith
Fitness Coach for Men
Personal Trainer
Corrective Exercise
Cardio Conditioning
Senior Fitness

Offering personalized fitness coaching for men to improve movement quality, stamina, and functional strength as the foundation of a hearty, healthy life.

You’ve been noticing some changes in the way you look or maybe the way you feel (or both) for a little while now. Clothes fitting differently, a nagging pain that comes and goes, a general lack of energy day to day.

Or maybe labs from a recent doctor’s visit came back with numbers that need watching, like blood pressure, cholesterol, lipids, or BMI.

Of course, you already know that exercise can halt or prevent – or improve, depending on the context – a lot of these issues, but somehow it’s never the right time to start.

Gyms are expensive, especially if you’re not sure what you’re doing, and getting going with exercise is challenging on many levels.

Except you want your body to be there for you, for life. So it’s time to do the thing that pesky little voice has been nagging about since your last milestone birthday.

It’s time to show up for yourself.
I can help.

I’m a lifetime fitness enthusiast and certified personal trainer, with specializations in corrective exercise and senior fitness. I help middle aged men improve their physical fitness for their present and future quality of life.

My clients’ programs are tailored to their unique goals, knowledge, and what they are able and willing to do. The routines can be done with minimal equipment at home, outside, or in a gym.

I’m not here to sell you anything you don’t already own: a body and a life. I just want you to be able to make the most of it!

If you’re ready to take a step forward on your fitness journey, click to schedule a no obligation consultation.